Tommy is a couple months old.
Tommy a few months old.
Donna and Tommy. She trying to teach him to walk.
Tommy, almost a year old.
Tommy, the photo was taken in March, 1961
Tommy in my Mom's kitchen. Photo taken March 1962.
Tommy was 4 years old in this photo.
These are my twin brothers, starting
at the left, Larry-Tommy & Jerry.
Picture was taken at my Mom's house.
Awe-Oh Tommy had a black eye.
Tommy was 5 or 6 years old in this photo.
This picture was taken at Christmas - 1964.
This picture was taken when Tommy was 6 or 7 at Disneyland in California.
This picture was taken when he was in grade school. Not sure how old he was.
Also grade school. Not sure of his age.
Donna and Tommy when he
was in grade school.
Tommy almost 8 years old.
And loving fishing already.
Picture taken in Sept. 1966.
Starting at the left. This is Steven
and Tommy. Steven is my brother
Gary's son. Picture taken Sept. 1966.
These two photos were together. The top one is Tommy and Clay, his cousin. They are attending Tommy's Dad's funeral
in the late 1990's. The bottom photo is Tommy and Tippy, his first dog, kneeling in front of his Dad's old
He was in the 8th. grade in this photo.
Tommy in high school.
Tommy when he was in high school.
Tommy's High School Graduation, 1978
Tommy and Tara, his oldest daughter.
Tommy's daughter Tara. Tommy's dad Tom.
Tara, Tommy's oldest daughter.
Tommy in his 20's.
Tommy and daughters. Tara (oldest) on the left. Courtney (Youngest) on the right.
Donna, Tommy and his two daughters. Tara and Courtney.
Tommy and one of his many motorcycles. He had several. He really liked them. He was a "Harley" man.
This is Tommy's youngest daughter, Courtney.
This is Tara now. Tommy's oldest daughter. Photo taken 2001.
Tara, photo taken 2001
Tara - 2001
Tara - 2001
Donna and Tommy. This photo was taken the day of my Mom's Funeral. They are in the back yard of my mom's house,
for the dinner after the funeral. Six weeks and two days later Tommy passed away. What a shock to everyone.
This was Donna's only child.
This picture was taken of Tommy and Courtney at the Mowrey Family Reunion in September 2001.
Tommy and his Uncle Gary at the Mowrey Family Reunion, Sept. 2001. The reunion was held at Donna's house.
Courtney and her Dad Tommy. Courtney playing Miss Barber Shop and giving Tommy a shave. This photo was taken in
Oct. 2001. The last picture of Tommy. He passed away at home, Donna's house Oct. 26th. 2001. Who would have
thought that this would be the last picture of Tommy and that he wouldn't be with us. So Sad.