DAD This is my Dad...He always reminded me of Mitch Miller. My Dad passed away Septemeber
8, 1989...He was quit a fisherman and loved to camp...The picture of my sister Donna is standing in front of my Mom and Dad's
Trailer. Same place I have mine...My trailer is to the left of theirs...We sure had some good times at the campground.
I sure miss him alot also...even tho it has been 12 years since his passing.
MOM and DAD Mom and Dad's 50th. Wedding Anniversary Photo.
Mom and Dad in Floyd City, Iowa,
1930. This picture was taken before
they got married.
Dad & Mom...Don't know the
year the picture was taken.
This is my Mom and Dad, 30 years
ago,standing in front of their house.
Photo taken Jan 1972.
My Dad standing by his
1932 Oldsmobile. If you
look real hard you can see
my sister Donna on the right
by the drivers door, hiding.
Dad's 1951 Chevy Truck
This is my Mom in her kitchen.
Photo taken Jan 1972.
This is my Dad sitting at kitchen table.
Photo also taken Jan. 1972. Mom
above cooking dinner, he must be
waiting on it.:)))
Mom & Dad's 50th. Weddding Anniversary
Party, with their six children. Starting left.
Larry, Jerry, Gary, Dad, Mom, Donna,
Peggy, Pat.
Mom and Dad's 50th. Wedding Anniversary.
Starting from left: Larry-Jerry-Gary-Dad and
Rev. Gary Carstons.
"Mowrey Family Reunion"
Sept. 2001.
![Mom & Dad](sitebuildercontent/sitebuilderpictures/momdadgaryshouse198687.jpg)
Mom and Dad at Gary and Berdie's
house in Missouri - 1986 or 1987
CHILDREN OF BILL AND MARY MOWREY In order of birth: Donna, Peggy, Gary, Pat, Jerry (twin), Larry (twin). Hope
to replace these photos with better ones.
Me and Cathy at my house in 1988.
Cathy is Gary and Berdie's daughter.
Gary, Me, Peggy & Donna.
Don't know when picture
was taken.
Me and brother Gary
at our parents house.
Gary, his son Steve and Mom.
This is where Gary use to board
his horses before he bought his
Berdie, Peggy and Gary,
at Gary & Berdie's house
in Missouri.
Gary and Peggy on Lake
Jacomo in Missouri not
far from Gary's house.
My brother and sister, Larry & Peggy on
New Year's Eve at Larry's house in the 90's.
Now I know they are having a good time,
look at their faces, besides they are on the
floor.:))). Way to go guys.
Peggy, my sister, Me amd Mom
Sister Donna and Me at my campsite
in Shelbyville, Illinois. We are in my
Dad's John Boat on the Kaskaskia
River, which is right in front of our
travel trailers.
This was my Dad's windmill that he had
in his yard for years. It was very rusty and
falling apart. After my mother passed away,
my brother Gary took it , to redo and put
in his yard, on his ranch. This is the before
picture and below is the after picture.
Fanstatic job Gary did himself, re-doing it.
This is the "After Picture" of the Windmill,
after Gary re-did it. Great job Gary, Mom
and Dad would be proud of you.:)))
Brother, Gary
Berdie, (sister-in-law), Gary's wife
Steve, (nephew), Gary and Berdie's son.
Cathy, (niece), Gary and Berdie's daughter.
This is my brother Gary, dressed up
for "Patriots Sunday", in front of Mom
and Dad's house.
Lisa and Jerry at Mom's house.
My sister-in-law and brother.
Lisa in the red top Me in the middle Jerry (brother), Jerry is a (twin)he the one standing. This photo was
taken in Sept. 2001 At the "Mowrey" family reunion, at my sister Donna's house.
Gary & Berdie - "Mowrey
Family Reunion - Sept. 2001